A detailed and realistic building programme with specific milestone dates for individual completions and handovers etc. must be produced prior to commencement of works on site.

This programme must be closely monitored and scrutinised by client/architect at the outset and throughout the project. All contractors must develop programmes based on main contractors programme.
All parties should report periodically on progress against their respective project programmes explaining delays if any etc.
A client representative should oversee and monitor progress of all parties.

On Time Completions


Where scope is available and appropriate, we consider “value engineering” as a heading under which we have a contribution to make.
We also input into the regime of cost report detail and stick strictly to the approved system for processing change orders, variations etc.
Our approach under this heading is as a team member and this is supported by our QMS operation, standard forms and committed, experienced management and cost control personnel.

Cost Control


Our Integrated Management System contains measures covering training, contract review, material control, contract implementation, contract management and contract installation. Measures regarding defects/handover, procedures covering installation/inspection and contract completion apply.
The above procedures are audited on a project/site basis to confirm conformance with the standard on a monthly basis.
Where necessary, to provide back-up to the above procedures, work instructions are available to staff. Flow charts associated with these work instructions confirm the sequencing and responsibilities of events/individuals to carry out work instructions.
The above-mentioned documentation is available for inspection in our offices by arrangement.

Projects to Specification